Monday, January 30, 2012

this girl...

when nathan was on his first year-long traveling fellowship, i had a betta fish named beebe. he was gorgeous and had serious attitude, but at the end of the day, he was just a fish. he didn't provide a whole lot of comfort to me on lonely nights. harlo is a whole different story. her presence is a very important part of maintaining my sanity/happiness etc. while nathan is away. having her makes my life better.

nathan and i adopted her almost two years ago. it has been and continues to be a challenging ride. between the separation anxiety and the dog aggression there have been lots of frustration and tears. but it is so worth it. she takes care of me. she makes me get out of the house and into the mountains. she gets really happy to see me when i come home. she cuddles. and while she hasn't been allowed into the bed yet, i'm guessing it's only a matter of time...

after complaining that i had to rush home to walk the dog, someone i work with suggested i might find someone else to take care of her while nathan is gone. i stared at him in confusion. do what now? i may feel a bit overextended being a single-dog-parent, but not having her would be a far more terrible reality than having to make the time to take care of her.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

it begins

heading out

just me and harlo now (and mister, but he's MIA most of the time)

new morning routine

morning walk

I started this blog as a sort of accountability mechanism for myself while Nathan is gone. When we decided that he was going to do another year of travel, I knew that I needed to make the year something special for me as well. I’m staying put in our life with the dog, cat and apartment, but it’s important to me that I’m not just twiddling my thumbs and toes waiting for him to get home. Notjustpassingtime is my attempt to challenge myself in different ways, whether it’s crafting, exploring the area where I live or just being more aware of my surroundings. Here's hoping...

Monday, January 9, 2012

on a sunday

family came up from the south bay and we enjoyed a day of together time. the occasion called for bloody marys naturally.

Friday, January 6, 2012

santa fe

i feel so lucky to love the place that i'm from. i love the mountains, the sky, the food and most importantly, the people. going home means seeing beloved family and friends i've known for decades. going home fills a huge part of my heart that can't be filled by anything else.